This new body of work is a series of letters, notes and poems mostly to myself but also to a world that is full of anger and fear and cynicism and sarcasm. This series conceptually draws attention to what we are to believe in today's world. Basically the gobbledygook that is our media, and fake news. The question is, what is real? And what is truth in the post-truth world that we live in.
As an artist... I go where the ideas, feelings, mood takes me. Sometimes it's conceptual performance, sometimes it's mixed media, it always seems to follow documentation of some kind.
This new series of Acemic drawing found me looking for... Something. I used to be an avid journaler writing out my feelings, eating disorder recovery, or anything I needed to get out of my head. I don't journal as much... But needed to get out everything spinning in my head somehow. I have told my therapist sometimes it feels like Lotto balls bouncing all over the place in my head. I have so many ideas and so many thoughts. So many fears and not enough space to work through them. This new series is a way to talk about everything going on in my head without the telling.