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Why I’m fat…
Love this!!! I may need to quote this on dating sites 😀
Ghost in the Machine?
Something I am working on 🙂
I need your help!
Just got the postcards for my upcoming show!!! Woooot!!!! I still need your help. I have 4 days left on my indiegogo site to help raise...
Guess who’s coming to dinner???
So not sure if I told you, but I have a mixed-reality installation/performance opening on May 5th in Los Angeles. I am planning a dinner...
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
To my guy friend, Why do you keep asking me if I’m dating anyone? Of course I’m not. Who wants me? No one. I hear guys talking all the ...
Fat girl at Yoga… but not me… Yet!!!
A friend posted this great blog piece on her plurk line… it is so awesome I had to share here… An open letter to the fat girl I saw at...
Wishing everyone a very healthy and very very happy New Year!!!!
How much do you weigh?
How much do you weigh? Why is this such a harsh question? Why do people get so defensive when being asked? I know the general reasons of...
Change happens…
Today has been a really great day!! This morning, I got in my car and listened to my new CD, Adele’s “21.” I was entranced. I felt like I...
My mirror…
My new artist business card…
The Treachery of Images? Ceci n’est pas…
So I had joined InWorldz a while ago. I created an account with the name Gracie Kendal. That is who I am online, and I didn’t want to be...
Why is Gracie smoking again???
Yes, Gracie is smoking again!! Was it peer pressure, advertising or stress? No, actually… well not really. It is the idea that I can’t...
Trust and Acceptance
1trust noun \ˈtrəst\ 1 a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b : one in which...
How to feel…
How do you feel? How do I feel? I still don’t know. I am afraid to feel. Or rather I am struggling to learn how to feel. For many years,...
Free Hugs
Sometimes a hug is all we need
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