Yesterday, yes Sunday, the day I forgot to post a pic to my blog, was the beginning of what I am calling my birthday week. My friend Misty had a birthday week or a whole month if I remember right. I was jealous!!
It was a really great day. I invited some friends to go see La Boheme the relay from a live opera that was performed a couple weeks prior, then we went to lunch at Tender Greens. You could tell by everyone’s empty plates they all loved it!!
That afternoon I went into Second Life where my friend Kaj DJd a couple hours of my favorite music. A few friends came by and hung out and we had a really fun time. I painted a bit and relaxed after the long day of art on Saturday.
The best part of the day though, was the amazing painting and handmade card I received from my friend Rikki. She painted this little portrait inspired by Starman. In memory of my Grandma who just passed away. I was almost in tears. (If I didn’t hold in emotions so much, I probably would have seriously been in tears.) The card was made by the kids at the art school Rikki lives above. How cool is that??!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful week and celebrate my birthday week with a drink, wherever you are 🙂 My real birthday is Wednesday January 30th and yes, I will be 40.