Well, I decided to check out my blog here, and I totally didn’t realize I havent updated it on over a year. WOW!!!
I can’t believe it. Time does go by sooo fast, doesn’t it?
And honestly, I can’t even remember everything that has happened this year.
Even more honestly, I am kinda glad its over, and a new year has come upon us. Phew!!!
I am definitely going to make an effort to keep it updated.
I have heard there are a few people, I think I can count them on one hand, who want to read it, so that is very cool. hehehe
I have been in Second Life over 2 years now, and it has been very very good to me. I have made the most amazing friends, gone to wonderful concerts and art events and have grown as a person, because of my experiences here. I look forward to challenging myself and growing even more over the next year.
Over this past year, I have sold my first RL paintings through people I have met in Second Life. That was sooo amazing to me. I love the crossover that SL allows. My art is able to reach a worldwide audience which is most exhilirating 🙂 I definitely look forward to blurring the boundary between RL and SL even more this next year.
At the beginning of 2008, I was working on my Masters Degree in Art History. Over the summer, I made the important decision to change my objective to Painting. I think this was the best decision I could have ever made. Over the fall semester at California State University Northridge, I have been thriving in my painting class. I have been pushing and challenging myself to find my contemporary and more specifically Postmodern voice. I was officially accepted into the Masters program in Painting on December 5th, after an official portfolio review. That was soooo great. I was thrilled. On Feb 5th, I am applying for the MFA program in painting. We shall see what happens.
Thank you so so much for all of your support.
I look forward to hearing from you and chatting with you more in the future 🙂
Please check out my other sites…
twitter: Graciekendal
Facebook: Gracie Kendal
A look back on 2008…